<a href='http://www.xolo.in/x900' style='color:#00a0e3;' target='_blank'>Lava XOLO X900 - World's first Intel phone</a>

Lava XOLO X900 - World's first Intel phone

Discover what makes XOLO X900 with Intel Inside® the benchmark on speed and performance. Please head to the site direct…

Cover Letter's, Resume's and Jobs

Cover Letter's, Resume's and Jobs

Cover letter gets the recipient to read your resume, the resume gets you an interview and the interview gets you the jo…

iOS 5: Complete list of 200+ Features

iOS 5: Complete list of 200+ Features

If you are an Apple fan like i am, own an IOS device and are curious to know what the full list of features on the …

Openpicus releases new applications

openPICUS is an open source wireless platform that uses Wi-Fi and freeRTOS to connect things to the web. The guys from…

EEWeb Site of the day - May 25, 2011

EEWeb Site of the day - May 25, 2011

We are listed on EEWeb Site of the day - May 25, 2011 . EEWeb is a premier electrical engineering community that strive…

Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC) - Part 3

Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC) - Part 3

Augmentation is a technique used to produce a null CRC result, while preserving both the original data and the CRC chec…

Study gives 4G data performance high marks

Study gives 4G data performance high marks

Handsets operating on 4G cellular networks offer significant improvement in data transfer performance compared to their…

U.K. readies for auction of 4G spectrum

U.K. readies for auction of 4G spectrum

Ofcom, the U.K. government's regulatory body for telecommunications, has announced plans for an auction of radio sp…

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