Digital Abstraction - Interview Question

Murugavel Ganesan
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  1. The behavior of a 1-input, 1-output device is measured by hooking a voltage source to its input and measuring the voltage at the output for several different input voltages:
    We're interested in whether this device can serve as a legal combinational device that obeys the static discipline. For this device, obeying the static discipline means that
    if VIN <= VIL then VOUT >= VOH, and
    if VIN >= VIH then VOUT <=
    • Can one chose a VOL of 0V for this device? Explain.
    • What's the smallest VOL one can choose and still have the device obey the static discipline? Explain.
    • Assuming that we want to have 0.5V noise margins for both "0" and "1" values, what are appropriate voltage levels for VOL, VIL, VIH, and VOH so that the device obeys the static discipline. Hint: there are many possible choices, just choose one that obeys the constraints listed above.
    • Assuming that we want to have 0.5V noise margins for both "0" and "1" values, what is the largest possible voltage level for VOL that still results in a device that obeys the static discipline?
    • Assuming that we want to have equal noise margins for both "0" and "1" values, what is the largest noise margin we can achieve with this device and still obey the static discipline?
Difficulty: Medium

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