ModelSim PE Student Edition - Free HDL Simulation

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ModelSim PE Student Edition is a free download of the industry leading ModelSim HDL simulator for use by students in their academic coursework.

ModelSim PE Student Edition Highlights
- Support for both VHDL and Verilog designs (non-mixed).
- Intelligent, easy-to-use graphical user interface with TCL interface.
- Project manager and source code templates and wizards.

ModelSim PE Student Edition Target Use and Upgrades
- ModelSim PE Student Edition is intended for use by students in pursuit of their academic coursework and basic educational projects.
- For more complex projects and advanced features of ModelSim, universities and colleges have access to ModelSim SE, the highest configuration of ModelSim, plus Questa and other Mentor Graphics products through the Higher Education Program.
- ModelSim PE Student Edition is not be used for business use or evaluation.
- Please contact sales for a fully functioning evaluation version of ModelSim PE, DE or SE.

ModelSim PE Student Edition Performance
- Capacity: 10,000 lines of executable code
- Performance (up to capacity): 30% of PE
- Performance (exceeding capacity): 1% of PE (i.e., 100 times slower than PE).

ModelSim PE Student Edition Support Notice
- No customer support is provided for ModelSim Student Edition.
- Interact with other users and join the ModelSim Student Edition Discussion Forum.
- ModelSim PE Student Edition applies to x86/Windows platforms only.

ModelSim PE Student Edition Information
Important Information
- To download and install ModelSim PE Student Edition, you must complete all three of the following steps.
- You must be connected to the Internet for the entire download, installation and license request processes.

Step 1 - Download the Latest Software
- To begin the process, download the software from the FTP server by completing the ModelSim PE Student Edition license agreement form from the downloads tab.
- Select the FTP link provided on the confirmation page and downloaded the .exe file.

Step 2 - Install the Software
- After the file downloads completely, double-click on the exe file to start the installation process.

Step 3 - Complete the License Request Form
- At the end of the installation process, select Finish and a browser window will invoke with the License Request form
** Note - clicking on an existing license request link from your browser bookmark or from a link posted on the web - WILL NOT WORK.
- Complete the form with all fields and select Request Student Edition to submit
- Once you complete the license request form, your ModelSim PE Student Edition license file will be emailed to you, together with instructions for installing the license file.

Important Information about your Installation
- License files are valid only for the current installation of the software on the computer on which the software is installed.
- If you need to re-install the software on a computer, you must go through the entire process of download, installation and submission of the license request form.
- If for any reason you need a new license file you must go through the entire process of download, installation and
submission of the license request form.

Upgrade to Mentor Graphics' Higher Education Program
- For applications requiring the highest simulation performance and advanced verification capabilities, students may access Mentor Graphics most advanced design and verification tools, including ModelSim SE and Questa Advanced Functional Verification, through their college’s membership of Mentor Graphics’ Higher Education Program.
- View the Higher Education Program Details and learn how your institute can apply.

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  1. for the .5% who continue to use FTP, this is going to be a non-trivial issue. Once it became obvious that we were doing this, we wanted to announce as soon as we knew what our path forward would be.

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