Digital systems engineering and perspectives on chip design

Murugavel Ganesan
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Today we are in the age of Digital Convergence seeing a major change in the way digital electronics systems are designed. Examples of such convergence can be seen in Microsoft's Xbox (From IT/Games to Home Entertainment), Apple's iPhone (From IT to Telecommunication/Entertainment), and Sony's Vaio (From Consumer Electronics to IT). This innovative look at technology has redefined road maps and business objectives of major corporations.

The title of this post is in fact a web-page created by us to highlight and educate folks in the semiconductor industry about the transformations that are happening in the way we try to design electronics and semiconductors. Our motivation is to avoid repetitions of many disasters we encounter in our interactions with the industry. We intend to highlight key aspects like design in HDL's, using HVL's and their importance, Importance of scripting languages and design automation and many other things.

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  1. I’m so glad that I have found this post. I was unsure of this topic for awhile and you have enabled me to understand it a whole a better way. I really appreciate that.

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  3. I visited the Training webpage and its nice. The Sony Vaio is the best

  4. A brief article but contain very collective information about electronics. No doubt electronic semiconductor chips make change in human life.

  5. Your absoultly right, this is a new day and age. Technology is becoming more and more sophisticated, and those who don't "go with the flow" will most deffinatley be living "on the down low"

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