- VHDL is verbose, complicated and confusing
- Many different ways of saying the same thing
- Constructs that have similar purpose have very different syntax (case vs. select)
- Constructs that have similar syntax have very different semantics (variables vs signals)
- Hardware that is synthesized is not always obvious (when is a signal a flip-flop vs latch vs combinational)
- VHDL supports unsynthesizable constructs that are useful in writing high-level models, testbenches and other non-hardware or non-synthesizable artifacts that we need in hardware design.
- VHDL can be used throughout a large portion of the design process in different capacities, from specification to implementation to verification.
- VHDL has static typechecking—many errors can be caught before synthesis and/or simulation.
- VHDL has a rich collection of datatypes
- VHDL is a full-featured language with a good module system (libraries and packages).
- VHDL has a well-defined standard.
- VHDL vs Verilog
- Verilog is a "simpler" language: smaller language, simple circuits are easier to write
- VHDL has more features than Verilog
- richer set of data types and strong type checking
- VHDL offers more flexibility and expressivity for constructing large systems.
- The VHDL Standard is more standard than the Verilog Standard
- VHDL and Verilog have simulation-based semantics
- Simulation vendors generally conform to VHDL standard
- Some Verilog constructs don't simulate the same in different tools
- VHDL is used more than Verilog in Europe and Japan
- Verilog is used more than VHDL in North America
- South-East Asia, India, South America - More Democratic
- VHDL vs SystemC
- System C looks like C —familiar syntax
- C is often used in algorithmic descriptions of circuits, so why not try to use it for synthesizable code as well?
- If you think VHDL is hard to synthesize, try C....
- SystemC simulation is slower than advertised
- VHDL vs Other Hardware Description Languages
- Superlog: A proposed language that was based on Verilog and C. Basic core comes from Verilog. C-like extensions included to make language more expressive and powerful. Developed by the Co-Design company, but no longer under active development. Superlog has been superseded by SystemVerilog, see below.
- SystemVerilog: A language originally proposed by Co-Design and now standardized by Accellera, an organization aimed at standardizing EDA languages. SystemVerilog is inspired by Verilog, Superlog, and System-C. SystemVerilog is a superset of Verilog aimed to support both high-level design and verification.
- Esterelle: A language evolving from academia to commercial viability. Very clean semantics. Aimed at state machines, limited support for datapath operations.
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