FPGA based customized acceleration

Murugavel Ganesan
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Picture courtesy: Intel Open FPGA forum

In this blog post, I will introduce the concept of FPGA based customized acceleration and explain why it is a powerful technique for improving the performance and efficiency of various applications. 

One of the main advantages of FPGA based customized acceleration is that it can exploit the parallelism and locality of the application, reducing the communication and synchronization overheads that are common in general-purpose processors. 

For example, FPGAs can implement multiple processing elements (PEs) that operate on different data streams simultaneously, or use dedicated memory blocks that are close to the PEs, avoiding the latency and bandwidth limitations of accessing external memory. Moreover, FPGAs can also perform fine-grained optimizations, such as customizing the data types, arithmetic operations, and control logic, to match the precision and accuracy requirements of the application.

Another benefit of FPGA based customized acceleration is that it can achieve high energy efficiency, as FPGAs consume power only when they are active and switch off when they are idle. Furthermore, FPGAs can dynamically reconfigure themselves to adapt to changing workloads or environmental conditions, enabling adaptive power management and fault tolerance. For instance, FPGAs can adjust the frequency and voltage of the PEs, or switch between different configurations, to balance performance and power consumption. Additionally, FPGAs can also detect and correct errors in the hardware or software, enhancing the reliability and robustness of the system.

FPGA based customized acceleration has been applied to a wide range of domains, such as image processing, machine learning, cryptography, bioinformatics, and network processing. 

Some examples of successful FPGA based customized acceleration projects are:
  • Microsoft's Project Catapult, which uses FPGAs to accelerate Bing search engine and Azure cloud services.
  • Amazon's AWS F1 instances, which provide customers with access to FPGAs for cloud computing.
  • Intel's Stratix 10 MX FPGA, which integrates high-bandwidth memory (HBM) to enable faster data transfer and processing.
  • Xilinx's Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, which combines ARM processors and FPGAs to enable heterogeneous computing.
  • Google's TPU (Tensor Processing Unit), which is a custom ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) that uses FPGA-like techniques to accelerate deep learning.
In conclusion, FPGA based customized acceleration is a promising technology that can offer significant improvements in performance and efficiency for various applications. By leveraging the reconfigurability and programmability of FPGAs, developers can design and implement customized solutions that are tailored to their specific needs and challenges.

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