FCC opened up 6GHz band for next-gen Wi-Fi devices

Murugavel Ganesan
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The unanimous decision opens 1,200MHz of new bandwidth for Wi-Fi 6E devices that are expected to begin arriving this year. In a unanimous vote on April 23, the Federal Communications Commission adopted a proposal that opens the 6GHz band for unlicensed Wi-Fi use. Doing so frees up more than 1,200MHz of additional bandwidth for next-gen Wi-Fi 6E devices with antennas and chipsets capable of tapping into the extra spectrum. The FCC went on to call the move a benefit to consumers, and one that will "further our leadership in next-generation wireless technologies, including 5G." An industry-funded study by Columbia professor Raul Katz backs that claim up, and suggests that the move could generate more than $180 billion in US revenue by 2025.

This also comes with a set of rules for the unlicensed use of this spectrum. Two types of unlicensed operations are allowed: Low Power Indoor and Standard Power Indoor/Outdoor. Here is a summary of the key regulatory requirements. Read on for more details here..

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