High level analysis of false paths

High level analysis of false paths

Sometimes the delay through a component is dependent upon the values on signals. This is because different paths in the…

Probabilistic Timing Analysis

Because of shrinking feature sizes and the decreasing faithfulness of the manufacturing process to design features, pro…

Register re-timing

Register re-timing

Register retiming is a sequential optimization technique that moves registers through the combinational logic gates of …

Timing closure impacted by DVFS!!

Timing closure impacted by DVFS!!

While designing systems with DVFS techniques, we need to look at the impact of temperature inversion on the performance…

Interview Question

Interview Question

Due to a miscommunication during design, you thought your circuit was supposed to have a supply voltage of 2.1 volts (t…

Clock Latency & clock skew

Clock Latency & clock skew

Clock latency means, the number of clock pulses required by the ckt to give out the first output. Generally we will obs…

Max Frequency calculation

Max Frequency calculation

In the simplest form: FF1 - combo - FF2 ( this is how things look physically for our consideration) Tmin = Tclk2Q (F…

Ways to increase frequency of operation

Ways to increase frequency of operation

Check critical path and optimize it. Add more timing constraints (over constrain). pipeline the architecture to the max…

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