White Papers
SuperSpeed Your SoCs with USB 3.0 IP

SuperSpeed Your SoCs with USB 3.0 IP

Since the introduction of the original USB standard in 1996, the USB interface has become one of the most successful c…

Show Me the Next-Generation HDMI

Show Me the Next-Generation HDMI

The first part of this white paper explores the basic concepts behind HDMI, the markets it serves and its leadership ro…

A Lifecycle Approach to Quality Management

A Lifecycle Approach to Quality Management

Success in ever more competitive worldwide marketplaces demands continually smarter products and systems, which in turn…

Phase-locked loops (PLLs) Demystified

Phase-locked loops (PLLs) Demystified

Over the past decade, Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) have become an integral part of the modern ASIC design. PLLs provide th…

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