EDA Tools - VN-Cover Coverage Analysis

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VN-Cover by TransEDA is a code and FSM coverage tool that identifies any unverified parts of a simulated HDL design. VN-Cover includes a comprehensive set of metrics, which include line, statement, branch, condition, path, toggle, triggering, signal trace and FSM state, arc and path. In addition, the tool offers advanced features such as Deglitch and Coverability Analysis option, aimed at increasing measured coverage accuracy.

VN-Cover seamlessly works with all leading simulators to measure coverage on VHDL, Verilog, SystemVerilog and mixed-language designs. It is a vendor-neutral coverage tool that works across simulators, languages and platforms, and can be also utilized with hardware-accelerated verification environments.
Key Features:

* Verilog, VHDL and mixed-language support
* Detailed code coverage reports and graphical display
* Automatic FSM extraction and analysis
* Advanced and unique glitch filtering capability
* Post-simulation coverability analysis option and results filtering
* Test-suite optimization facility
* Multi-platform, multi-simulator availability

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