Semiconductor forecast looks grim!

Murugavel Ganesan
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According to IC insights, the maket forecast looks grim for 2008 total worldwide IC market growth, noting shrinking demand from fabless suppliers, a weak memory market, and pricing issues that continue to plague the semiconductor industry. After yesterday's failure of US$700B bailout vote in the US house, it looks even more grim to note that spending will reduce drastically against most weak currencies which includes emerging markets.

Thanks to the reign of the capitalist US market for the past 7 decades, the Technological growth and innovation Breakthroughs are more likely to be impacted further unless the emerging markets/powers pump money into their already confident markets to keep up the pace and shift the trend from US and Europe for a more robust and sustainable world economy.

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  1. The slowdown in the market of semiconductors is just another example of the deteriorating global economic status.
    However, we must hope it is not something permanent.

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