High-def iPhone 4

Murugavel Ganesan
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This new model available in black or white from June 24 has an unchanged pricing at $199 for the 16GB model and $299 for the 32GB model. Features include the A4 processor (heart of the iPad), Multitasking, retina display for high resolution viewing, HD video recording and editing, 3-axis gyro, tracking pitch, roll and yaw: perfect for video games, battery life of 7 hours theoretical talk time and 6 hours of 3G web browsing, dual microphone, an LED camera flash for the main camera, and a front-facing camera for 3G video calling and loads of new apps.
The most attractive is the 5MP main camera and the gadget's new high-resolution display, which offers 4x the screen resolution compared to the current model at 326 pixels per inch, denser even than the dots per inch of some printed material. It's also sharper than other recent smartphones and high-def laptops like Sony's Vaio P. On-stage, the demo of the iPhone 4 suffered problems with Wi-Fi connectivity.

Photo Courtesy: Apple!
BTW, this phone looks like a near cousin to the phone i currently have.. the Nokia N78 ;-). Check it out.

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