Interview Questions
Zero delay simulation , Why and When

Zero delay simulation , Why and When

Zero-delay simulation is a technique that is widely used in digital design verification, especially for gate-level netl…

Unit delay simulation, Why and When

Unit delay simulation, Why and When

Unit delay simulation is a technique for modeling the behavior of digital circuits in a discrete time domain. It is bas…

Functional Verification Interview Question

One day at the lunch table in the cafeteria, your manager says that she recently learned that X-SIM, the VHDL simulato…

VHDL Online resources

VHDL Online resources

VHDL Books There are dozens of great books talking about VHDL modeling, simulation and synthesis.  Here are some of the…

Interview Question on Power Analysis

Interview Question on Power Analysis

Your task is to do power analysis for a circuit that sends out a one-clock-cycle pulse on the done signal once every 16…

Clock network design

Clock network design

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the challenges and techniques involved in designing a clock network for a ve…

Clock skew variation estimation

Clock skew variation estimation

Clock skew variation estimation is an important topic in the design and analysis of high-performance digital circuits. …

Impact of dummy fill on timing

Impact of dummy fill on timing

How can you quantify the impact of dummy fill on post-layout timing?  Dummy fill can be inserted into a layout using SO…

Investigation on timing analysis inaccuracies

Investigation on timing analysis inaccuracies

Timing analysis inaccuracies due to crosstalk, multiple gate input switching, supply voltage variation, temperature, ma…

Distributions in statistical timing

Distributions in statistical timing

How do you observe and highlight the impact of assumptions on gate-length variability distributions (if any) on final d…

Dynamic power supply

Dynamic power supply

Power gating adds enabling signals to a power supply network; dynamic power supply management adjusts supply voltage ac…

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