sequential circuit

What is the smallest clock period for which the circuit still operates correctly? By removing the pair of i…

sequential circuit

Calculate timing parameters for the system as a whole taking into account d1 and d2. Don't make any assumption abou…

sequential circuit

Calculate the timing parameters (tS, tH, tCD, tPD, tCLK) for this system as a whole.



What is TCP? Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) provides a reliable byte-stream transfer service between two endpoin…

IP Fragmentation Q&A

IP Fragmentation Q&A

What is meant by IP fragmentation? The breaking up of a single IP datagram into two or more IP datagrams of smaller siz…



What is RARP? Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is a network protocol used to resolve a data link layer addres…



What is ARP? Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a network protocol, which maps a network layer protocol address to a …

Ethernet Q&A

Ethernet Q&A

What is Ethernet? Ethernet is a Local Area Network (LAN) cabling and signaling specification for baseband networks. Eth…

Algorithms and High-Level Models

Algorithms and High-Level Models

For designs with significant control flow, algorithms can be described in software languages, flowcharts, abstract stat…

General FPGA based design Guidelines

General FPGA based design Guidelines

Based on past experience i had with FPGAs... Flip-flops are almost free in FPGAs, the reason is that in FPGAs, the area…

Asynchronous in a synchronous world - Part 2

Asynchronous in a synchronous world - Part 2

Performing static timing analysis is the process of verifying that every signal path in a design meets required clock-c…

Asynchronous in a synchronous world - Part 1

The purpose of synchronizing signals is to protect downstream logic from the metastable state of the first flip-flop in…

Verilog Shift Register with Test Bench

Verilog Shift Register with Test Bench

module shifter (result, value_in, direction, type, length); output [7:0] result; input [7:0] value_in; input direction;…

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