Gate Level Simulation, Part - II

Gate Level Simulation, Part - II

Gate level simulation is used in the late design phase to increase the level of confidence about a design implementat…

Glossary of EDA Terms

Glossary of EDA Terms

Verilog rules that can save your breath !

Verilog rules that can save your breath !

This article contains some thoughts of mine about how and engineer should write Verilog code for Synthesis, general rul…



Logic synthesis is a process by which an abstract form of desired circuit behavior, typically register transfer level (…

Comprehensive Verilog Tutorials - Introduction

Comprehensive Verilog Tutorials - Introduction

The history of the Verilog HDL goes back to the 1980s, when Gateway Design Automation developed Verilog-XL logic simula…

Comprehensive Verilog Tutorials - Welcome

Comprehensive Verilog Tutorials - Welcome

This is an Introductory & Comprehensive Verilog Course, which covers.. Modeling Designs for Digital Simulation. Mod…



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Added Features!

Added Features!

After much awaited delay due to developments on the blogger in beta, i m happy to announce that i have successfully con…

Gate level simulation - Introduction

Gate level simulation - Introduction

Gate level simulation (GLS) is a technique for verifying the functionality and timing of a digital circuit after it has…

Todays Low Power Techniques

Todays Low Power Techniques

Lets take a look at the various low power techniques in use today. I would classify them into 2 categories Structu…

Design Elements of Low Power Design

Design Elements of Low Power Design

Special cells are required for implementing a Multi-Voltage design. Level Shifter Isolation Cell Enable Level Shifter…

Multi Voltage magic

Multi Voltage magic

In the last few weeks i have been quite busy with a lot of research on low power design. There are so many tutorial…

Vt Cells and Spacing Requirements

Vt Cells and Spacing Requirements

Multi-Vt placement/spacing concerns I was just thinking about most common concerns faced today in addressing leakage p…

Event simulation versus cycle simulation

Event simulation versus cycle simulation

By popular demand: Event simulation allows the design to contain simple timing information - the delay needed for a sig…



Last 2 weeks has witnessed a sudden surge in visitors and so i decided to continue my experiments for some more time wi…

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